Ruby download file from artifactory

1. Download and install daemonize script from 2. if you downloaded gz file then gunzip release-1.7.2.tar.gz tar -xvf release-1.7.2.tar cd release-1.7.2 ./configure make sudo make install then…

JFrog CLI uses File Specs for a simple, native and efficient way to upload, download, move, copy and delete files between your file system and repositories. Prometheus documentation: content and static site generator - prometheus/docs

Lists and deletes Artifactory artifacts that haven't been downloaded for a while and aren’t in the exclusions file. - scottybrown/cleanify

A streamlined development and deployment workflow for Chef platform. - chef/chef-dk Infrastructure code to setup your own VersionEye instance. - versioneye/ops_contrib 2018-09-25 17:08:57,979 [http-nio-8081-exec-27] [Error] (o.a.r.c.e.GlobalExceptionMapper:48) - No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values… To install our plugin, first download the archived (.zip) distribution of the Snyk Security Artifactory plugin. This archive contains the following structure, files and folders: *plugins snykSecurityPlugin.groovy—our plugin… Download the Artifactory ZIP file from here , copy it to the linux machine using a utility like Winscp , extract it and simply run /bin/artifactory.shAn Overview of the NuGet Ecosystem - CodeProject a small set of tools to a much larger ecosystem Executable gem that composes hiera configuration and facts and execute puppet apply - Adaptavist/puppet-runner Angular code for participant-facing pepper studies - broadinstitute/ddp-angular

The procedure for setting up a virtual repository is very similar to setting up a local or remote repository, however as a last step, you need to select the repositories that will be included in the virtual repository you are creating.

# hiera.yaml # # This file has been modified from the vendor's copy: # 1. include this notice # 2. read from /etc/puppetlabs/puppet_enterprise.yaml as a top-level hierarchy --- # Hiera 5 Global configuration file version: 5 # defaults… Chocolatey is software management automation for Windows that wraps installers, executables, zips, and scripts into compiled packages. Chocolatey integrates w/SCCM, Puppet, Chef, etc. Why and how to create custom Docker images Contribute to edf-hpc/puppet-module-puppet-archive development by creating an account on GitHub. A suite of tools to assist with reviewing Open Source Software dependencies. - heremaps/oss-review-toolkit

A simple, lightweight Ruby client for interacting with the Artifactory API. you can specify the path to a pem file with your custom # certificates and the gem will wire it /tmp/folders-a38b0decf038201/package.deb'~/Desktop', 

30 Apr 2016 (Requires Pro) to resolve and download latest artifact, if Jenkins Artifactory The role of Artifactory is to provide files for Maven (as well as other build tools such  19 Jun 2018 Artifactory is a repository manager that allows you to store and retrieve artifacts, such as dependencies or package files. December 2014 | JFrog Ltd. | Through this plugin, you can use Artifactory to resolve dependencies for your build, and deploy download the same file Fully Reproducible Builds. Team Foundation. Server. Ruby npm. 4  A job named pdf calls the xelatex command in order to build a pdf file from the latex To download the file coverage/index.html from the same artifacts use the  download. Download a file from a remote server (e.g. JSON file). Specify the URL the Ruby functions instead:

Generate model-driven APIs from YANG models. Contribute to CiscoDevNet/ydk-gen development by creating an account on GitHub. But there’s something the Ruby community can borrow from the “dark Java Enterprise” side – the proper binary repository. And we have one to offer… # hiera.yaml # # This file has been modified from the vendor's copy: # 1. include this notice # 2. read from /etc/puppetlabs/puppet_enterprise.yaml as a top-level hierarchy --- # Hiera 5 Global configuration file version: 5 # defaults… Chocolatey is software management automation for Windows that wraps installers, executables, zips, and scripts into compiled packages. Chocolatey integrates w/SCCM, Puppet, Chef, etc. Why and how to create custom Docker images Contribute to edf-hpc/puppet-module-puppet-archive development by creating an account on GitHub.

The procedure for setting up a virtual repository is very similar to setting up a local or remote repository, however as a last step, you need to select the repositories that will be included in the virtual repository you are creating. 1. Download and install daemonize script from 2. if you downloaded gz file then gunzip release-1.7.2.tar.gz tar -xvf release-1.7.2.tar cd release-1.7.2 ./configure make sudo make install then… Returns value from Info.plist of your project as native Ruby data structures Zjistěte, které Azure Marketplace položky lze použít v Azure Stack. CocoaPods Plugin to work against Artifactory Repository - jfrog/cocoapods-art Chef cookbook for downloading a cacert.pem and setting the SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable. - daptiv/cacert

13 Jun 2018 rubygems-update-*.gem (created under the gems folder of the such as download, deploy, delete etc., the following API Gem 

This is not great, but less worse than others for our purposes :( - adgear/jfrog-cli-resource Amazon ECS version of ciinabox. Contribute to base2Services/ciinabox-ecs development by creating an account on GitHub. Chef Infra, a powerful automation platform that transforms infrastructure into code automating how infrastructure is configured, deployed and managed across any environment, at any scale - chef/chef Prometheus documentation: content and static site generator - prometheus/docs As usual, add your cookbook’s dependencies to the metadata.rb file: We'll store the created war file to Artifactory to download them in later jobs and deploy them to the test and production environment. Jenkins – an open source automation server which enables developers around the world to reliably build, test, and deploy their software